What’s the outlook for the luxury market in 2023?

James Sanders London Diamonds Luxury Market analysis 2023.

Despite challenging geopolitical events impacting the world, the global luxury market remained resilient during 2022. It seems that the highly uncertain consumer market and economic conditions hasn’t led to a contraction in the market. And in fact, expansion is likely to continue throughout 2023. Luxury market set to remain resilient in the face of recession …

What’s the outlook for the luxury market in 2023? Read More »

Is there a place for VR in the workplace? James Sanders (London Diamonds) discusses the link between technology and productivity

VR in the workplace - James Sanders London Diamonds discusses the link between technology and productivity.

In increasingly technologically sophisticated workspaces, it’s not unusual to see AI based tools and various new iterations of older tech. But what about virtual reality (VR)? Can technologies such as VR and augmented reality (AR) really make the workplace more productive, and does it have a place in training and education? What is virtual reality? …

Is there a place for VR in the workplace? James Sanders (London Diamonds) discusses the link between technology and productivity Read More »

Artist James Sanders on AI generated art and what it means for creativity

James Sanders London Diamonds AI generated digital painting.

It’s a heavy news cycle out there these days and you may not have noticed the furore that surrounded a fine arts competition in September. When Jason Allen’s Theatre D’opera Spatial won the Colorado State Fair’s digital art category, it caused huge controversy in the art world. Why? Because the image is AI generated. Fine …

Artist James Sanders on AI generated art and what it means for creativity Read More »

Should you invest in eSports? James Sanders (London Diamonds) breaks it down

James Sanders London Diamonds on investing in esports

As managing director of London Diamonds, I’m used to taking an innovative and disruptive approach to the diamond jewellery market. I take this same attitude of disruptive innovation into every venture that I invest in or otherwise contribute towards as it grows. My main investment areas of interest are cryptocurrency, technology and AI as well …

Should you invest in eSports? James Sanders (London Diamonds) breaks it down Read More »

James Sanders on whether to start a business during tough economic times

James Sanders on fears of Recession

If you’re asked to name a successful business, the likes of Uber, Airbnb or Burger King may spring to mind. But did you know that all of the above started during difficult economic times or even during a recession? With the UK’s economy the slowest in the G7 to bounce back after COVID-19, an ongoing …

James Sanders on whether to start a business during tough economic times Read More »

The luxury brand combining green credentials, art and architecture

One of the biggest challenges facing the luxury brand market is meeting the challenge of true sustainability. Luxe brands are, by their very nature, ‘extra’. They’re for people who want to spend on non-essentials. They’re for consumers with money and time, and traditionally, this doesn’t necessarily go with the move towards green credentials. But with …

The luxury brand combining green credentials, art and architecture Read More »

How important is ethical sourcing for consumers?


Sustainability and ethical sourcing have become increasingly important for businesses and consumers in recent years to slow down the impact of climate change. For sustainability to positively affect the future, those within the industry must make changes such as reducing packaging and using biodegradable products, using alternative energy sources and investing in green transport and …

How important is ethical sourcing for consumers? Read More »