Luxury Brands Develop New Post-Brexit And Pandemic Strategies

Luxury - James sanders

The luxury market is resilient because there is always a high demand for luxury goods, even in times of economic uncertainty. But in this current climate, even luxury brands need to rethink their e-commerce strategies to ensure their industry remains buoyant in these challenging times. The challenges luxury brands are facing stem from the impact …

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How to Harness Perseverance and Use It to Be Successful

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There will be a philosophy undergraduate essay that truly discusses what drives people; however, in the interests of getting straight to the point, the answer will be that there is no universal answer. Everyone thrives on being successful but the definition of what being successful means varies from person to person. Whether it is being …

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Russia & The US treasury

Russia - James sanders

Recently, in the dusty recesses of the US Treasury website (what do you mean, you don’t check it regularly), a new document appeared.. On first reading, the contents don’t appear to be very interesting but closer reading reveals a startling act of financial aggression by Russia against the US. Of course, the Russians tend to …

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